
Letter from Chuck Roy, President of BALA, in regards to updates.

BALA Letter from Chuck Roy, BALA President 8:25:23

Dear Big Alum Lake Association Member:

At the August Membership meeting, held on the 19th, the members voted to change the by-laws to have only one annual meeting as opposed to the two we have presently. Many of the members have voiced as they felt that the two meetings were redundant. Therefore, we responded to changing the by-laws originally by placing this request on the agenda for the July meeting, then discussed this at the July meeting and held the vote at the August meeting which was completed. However, in order to have the fullest participation in the one meeting, it was decided to poll the Membership for the date that they feel will be most convenient for the meeting. With that in mind, I will ask you to choose from one of the following dates:

First Saturday of July (4th of July weekend)

Second Saturday of July (usually just after the 4th of July weekend)

Fourth Saturday of July


First Saturday of August

Third Saturday of August


Please send your email votes directly to me at You can simply forward this email to that address with your preference. Please do not reply to this email or forward your vote to another email or send your vote through a proxy, as only votes sent directly to me will be counted. I am asking all the votes to come directly to my email.  I will print each email out and count it as your vote. I will then send the tallied votes to Jeff Buchanan, the Secretary and Recorder, to be included in the minutes of the meeting. Please send your vote of which date for an annual meeting by October 1st, 2023.


Thank you in advance for your participation in this poll. The annual meeting is very important; more so these days as the cost of weed treatments and algae treatments keep rising. We want all our members to feel comfortable as to how your dues and donations are being spent. Giving one day a year for the Lake we love seems like a reasonable ask. Let’s try and make our one meeting the best meeting it can possibly be.


On another note, I told you all at the meeting that I would get back to you with the site for purchasing the weed control tools that we had on display at the meeting. Here are a few of the sites where you can purchase these tools relatively inexpensively., Jenlis Weed Razer, or, Beach Roller and Baby Beach Roller and Jenlis Weed Razer. You can also find both these products on, as well as other brands of these products. I hope this helps you take a better look at these tools. I have personally used both these tools and I was able to clear my waterfront of heavy weed growth in 2 hours. I will suggest that neighbors pool their resources and split the cost. However, if our weed program goes as planned, you won’t need these tools in a few years!


It was also brought to my attention that we have drifted away from the one vote per property rule we have been following since the bylaw changes a few years ago. We will return to the “green card” protocol at the next annual meeting to ensure we are following the bylaws. Each property owner will be issued one green card when they register to enter the meeting. Your dues must be paid by the meeting in order to vote. If you own two properties, and have paid dues on both, you will be issued two green cards so that you have your two votes. Votes will be tallied by counting green cards raised, not hands. This process will make voting fair and equal for all.


Lastly, a reminder to all Personal Watercraft users; it is against State law, and is very dangerous, to have a young child, or anyone, in front of the driver on a PWC. Several Lake neighbors have reported to me sighting such activity, and I have seen it myself recently. In addition, it is also unlawful to pull a water-skier or tuber with a PWC. I have also seen this in recent days. Please, let’s obey the laws for all our safety.


Thank you everyone.

Best Regards,

Chuck Roy

President BALA


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Friendly Reminder of Big Alum Lake Weed Treatment 5/21/24

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